Youth Matterz Our Services
Young people are most likely to utilise the internet to connect with others and engage in activities such as social networking, messaging, playing online games and emailing (ABS, 2011; Blanchard, 2013). Telehealth is a health service where health care provider helps without an in-person office visit through diverse telecommunications technologies. YM aims to provide a holistic service to the youth and students, which seeks to address their basic needs for empowerment and development. A group of specialised services provided by health coaches on health, financial, business, mental, and psycho-social needs is assembled in one place for clients to access with the use of modern technology.
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Wellness Services
YM intends to provide a comprehensive program to privately owned residences to implement the interventions focused on addressing RSB which will be done in partnership with both internal and external departments/organizations. The wellness services are currently extended to communities all over South Africa, please feel free to contact us, should you require to partner with us on these
HIV Care and Support
The Care and Support programme is a pillar enveloped by the YM wellness programme that aims to ensure optimal health and functioning for youth and students infected with HIV, through the provision of psychosocial support.
YM takes a leading role in the overall coordination of the care and support programme, by ensuring continuous adherence counselling, treatment readiness, disclosure and effective coping skills as well as linkage to care. YM also facilitates HIV-specific social club meetings in partnership with all partners #HIVMATTERZ
We offer peer education, life skills training and internship opportunities
Essential herbs
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) says “It recognizes the benefits of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine and acknowledges the role of traditional medicine and practitioners in Africa, among others.” Therefore, the purpose of the YouthMatterz (YM) online store is to promote the use of alternative medicines. The term “alternative medicine” describes any form of medicine or healing that does not fall into conventional medical practice. Alternative medicine has been used for centuries to help with a wide range of health issues. If you are the type that wants to avoid prescription medicines and invasive therapies as much as possible, then the herbal/alternative medicine approach could be right for you. At the YM online store, we make it our mission to provide our patients with the highest quality of alternative medicine treatments for their ailments. There are many advantages of utilizing herbal medicine to help treat health issues.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices about sexuality, gender inequalities and violence against women, youth pregnancy, HIV / AIDS and social justice remain among the most critical aspects that could hinder youth and student success. Hence, to be effective, SBCC education and prevention programmes must address widespread societal and gender inequalities and the persistence of sexual violence. At the core of the strategic frameworks is the eradication of stigma, discrimination, human rights violations, and gender inequality by considering the social and structural underpinnings thereof. Hence, we offer peer education, life skills training and internship opportunities.
Africa is currently the only continent where the youth population is increasing. In population studies and Economics, having a youthful population has both positive and negative implications. The sad reality witnessed especially in Africa has been that countries lack adequate economic activities to realize this potential. In today’s world, the youth is facing the most of hardships and lack of belongingness within the society. Youth in South Africa constitute a big chunk of the population, yet it remains the most subjugated and marginalized. The difficult circumstances that young people face because of limited opportunities for education and training, viable employment and health and social services, and because of a growing incidence of substance abuse and juvenile delinquency is deteriorating the chance of South Africa’s quest for achieving the status of a developed Nation. Thus, there is a special need for new impetus to be given to the design and implementation of youth policies and programmes at all levels. How the challenges and potentials of young people are addressed by policy will influence current social and economic conditions and the well-being and livelihood of future generations. YM focuses on the most underprivileged youth residing within rural and underprivileged urban areas, surviving on a meagre of resources and constantly seeking out a purpose for their life. YM SRHR Empowerment Bootcamps. The organization plans to work with the youth who never have been nurtured and reared in a way to develop into a productive generation through initiatives such as your Youth Camps and creating awareness through education, dialogues, events and campaigns.